Success Stories

My wife and I have been using the 10 minute trainers for awhile now. We really enjoy the fact that each video is broken down into 10 exercises, each only 1 minute long. It helps us push through: "Come on, it's ONLY ONE minute!" The videos can push you, but you don't feel "forced" to over-exert yourself. Also, with the series being "modular" as it is, we are able to customize our daily workout routine. For example, On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, I do Total Body once, and the Cardio twice. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I do the Lower Body, ABS, and Yoga Flex. On Saturdays, I do the Total Body, Cardio, and Yoga Flex. I take Sundays off.
My wife has her own routine with the videos. It's nice, because you're not committed to a whole 45 minute workout video. If you want to work on a specific area more, you can just do that particular video twice.
We really enjoy the way the workouts flow, Tony pays close attention to making sure you get an even workout (both sides of the body get the same work, etc.) which is strangely rare in workout videos. I recommend these videos to anyone interested in developing a more healthy lifestyle!
John Doe
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I knew I really needed to shake things up if I am going to see a real difference in my body... but I don't have the $$ for a personal trainer at the gym. Then I happened to see Tony Horton's 10 minute trainer on Dr. Oz and decided that it might be a great way to step up my quest to get fit.
I just recieved my kit and started my program. So far, I have decided to try and do at least two 10 minute programs a day (or 3 if I feel inspired.) I definitely worked up a little sweat in just 20 minutes, but it was not "too much".
I do think the DVDs are pretty well done but like one other reviewer pointed out, it's a little annoying to have the 'infomercial' for other Beach Body programs immediately roll after each workout session. (I can understand why they would want to advertise the other programs, but it should be a menu option to click on the advertisements rather than to have them immediately launch.) But despite that one small negative, I am looking forward to continuing the program and seeing some real results!
Melissa Gibson
I am 47yo and have been an avid exerciser for over 20 years. I never gained an ounce after I quit smoking and I got back in shape after each of my two children were born. However, toward the end of age 46 I found myself getting heavier without warning. I gained about 20 lbs. in 6 months and was horrified. I could not get the weight off no matter what I tried but I refused to give in to the "middle age buldge". I looked around and found a lot of positive reviews about this video. I was skeptical but it seemed like a good option. I received this video about 2 months ago and I have to say that it is FANTASTIC! As others have said this is a difficult workout. But that is a GOOD thing. What's the point of doing a workout that is too easy. At first I couldn't do a lot of the moves but I just did the best that I could and to my amazement, I saw my body changing like I never thought it would again. My "cottage cheese" thighs are smooth and strong again. My arms don't jiggle anymore but are firm and toned. Most amazing of all is that it really does lift and shape your butt! This is something I never thought I'd achieve. I've always had a rather flat butt but these videos have lifted my butt and rounded it like I never thought possible. It is amazing. I have lost 2 inches on my waist, over 1 inch on my hips, and 1 inch on each thigh, 1/2 inch on each bicep and haven't even finished the 1st 4-week program that I selected. It is FABULOUS! I can't wait to see how much more I can lose. Leandro is great. He is very motivating and I really enjoy his approach to these workout videos. I think he is a big reason that I have stuck with it and have achieved so much in a short time. He is interesting to watch and love the accent. Now I can do more of the excercises and maintain my stamina a lot longer than when I first started the program. I would definitely recommend this to anyone who is trying to get past a plateau or who wants to reshape their body. You will not be disappointed.
Alice Griffin
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For being a work-out video series, it has remained fun and challenging. I feel like I finally get a good work-out even at home. The instructor is so light-hearted and fun; and most importantly he's not annoying.
Amanda Wells
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21 Day Fix Start Here: Start seeing results immediately! This quickstart guide and workout calendar shows you just how simple it is to achieve your weight-loss goals. BONUS: 21 Day Fix Eating Plan: This simple Eating Plan takes you step-by-step through the process and makes portion control so easy, you won't even have to think about it. Enjoy delicious, healthy food without counting calories, and watch the pounds fall off. BONUS: 3 Day Quick Fix: Get beach-ready in 72 hours. This is Autumn's secret weapon for losing weight fast before a competition or photo shoot. Do it during the last 3 days of 21 Day Fix for mind-blowing "after" pictures.
Ethan Little
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Really good workout for your bum bum 😛 I liked the faster pace of this workout and it does make you sweat. I like using the workout bands and ankle weights for the High and Tight workouts. Overall, this is a good workout. I got it at $62 here which is a good deal. Definitely worth it.
Heather Fowler